About Me

The Short Version

The Long Version


'nnwhen' would be best described as:
a moniker; a veil; a pseudonym; a body.
The name I take in meatspace is different to the name I take here: nnwhen is bodiless euphoria.

The name was chosen in response to and inspired by: my intuition as well as digital formatting errors.

My intuition?

The sound of 'nnwhen' (ɛnɛnwɛn) when spoken and the symmetry of the letter 'n' on either side felt right.

Formatting Errors?

This was a pleasant surprise for me. After testing how the name felt to read, speak and scrawl; I went to the internet to make sure it was not already taken.
It wasn't. At least not intentionally...

You see, '\n' is an escape sequence. Simply, it is the computer's equivalent to the Enter key: a new line; \n; newline.

Therefore 'nn'when is the result of a computer misinterpreting the intent of a person pressing Enter twice and starting their new paragraph with "When".

"\n\nwhen" "nnwhen"

A glitch; an error.

'I make Music and Other-Art'

The main focus of this site is my passion for the music I make. The aim of this site being a repository and CV for those who are looking for Soundtracking and Sound Design.
Though I cannot completely disentangle the rest of my art from my music.

As for Other-Art: my imagery, my poetry(soon), my blog and little experimental things (like this website itself) also make an appearance.

'I am part of Umbutho WokuThintana'

Umbutho WokuThintana
Phantsi noHlelo, phantsi!
Singumbutho wabaqambi abasebenzela ubuciko obuningi, kuqukethe inoveli yesiZulu yohlobo lweSci-Fi; umdlalo weshashalazi; ifilimu; umbukiso ozwakalayo: “UkuThintana”.
Singababonanhle ngokwemvelo. Singabazimelegeqe neziphekulankuni ngokwezenzo. Impokophelo yethu ngumPhakathi.

The Contact Collective
Down with the System, down!
We are a Collective of Creatives working on an isiZulu Sci-Fi novel; theatre piece; film; audio-visual experience: "UkuThintana".
Optimistic in Nature. Anarchist in Practice. Our goal is Community.

The Contact Collective - Umbutho WokuThintana - is an Artist Collective

I take on many roles within this Anarchic Collective; though my official job - a 'job' as 'official' as anarchism could allow - is 'Creative Lead' and 'Production Manager'.

I take care of:

Links for The Collective:

Instagram TikTok Website
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Ko-Fi Facebook Twitter