redemption tour - Klein


'redemption tour' is a song I come back to over and over again.

Encountering the song for the first time was a beautiful experience. I fell in love with the production and atmosphere of the song instantly.

Every subsequent listen still remains an unmatched minute and 40 seconds. During which a warm feeling within my chest, underneath where the ribs meet to create the sternum, glows. I find that 'redemption tour' is a track absolutely bursting with sincerity; as if it is daring you to drop all preconcieved notions of irony, detachment and worries of coming off as 'cringe' through modelling it to you itself. An approach I adore.

I rarely listen to this track once. I always make sure to queue it up at least 2 times and would gladly repeat it into the double-digits. I thought, maybe, to express the short length as a fault of the song, though - after some thought - I feel it to be a good choice: as it is somewhat repetitive, the track does not over-stay its welcome. One can always invite it in again. Like I do, always.

It is a track that sits remarkably well in the negative-space within any emotional state I am in:

As I write this, I discover there are lyrics listed on her Bandcamp release of the track, which is an exciting discovery: I have spent many listens to this track singing while emulating the pitch and quality but not knowing, for sure, very many of the actual lyrical phrases.

All-in-all, 'redemption tour' is a track that enhances the experience of the moment. Whatever it is I am to feel, this track is sure to multiply and encourage me to experience the happening in full sincerity.
Something, I find, to be so very important in our current world full of irony-poisoning.